A lot of people in Wisconsin die in car accidents every year. Fatal accidents usually happen due to driving under the influence, distracted driving, and speeding. Losing a loved one in this accident is bad enough; however, if you consider that a lot of crashes were preventable had the other motorist acted reasonably, this is even tougher to accept.
If your loved one died in a fatal car accident, you may not be aware of your rights and legal options immediately. Generally, reaching out to a Wisconsin fatal car accident attorney can help; however, you can file a civil lawsuit. This can help you recover compensation to guarantee your family’s financial security, especially if you lost a breadwinner or family caregiver.
The at-fault driver may face criminal charges after a fatal accident. Such charges are separate from the wrongful death lawsuit you may file. In Wisconsin, you have three years from the accident date to file this lawsuit. Make sure to speak with a lawyer, especially if your loved one did not die right away after the accident.
Damages After a Fatal Crash
Although punitive damages are not included in Wisconsin, the family or estate of the victim may sue for funeral and burial costs, medical bills, loss of companionship, and lost wages. If there is strong evidence of the other driver’s fault, your family may have grounds to file a wrongful death lawsuit.
Reasons to Hire an Attorney
While it’s not a legal requirement to hire a lawyer when pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit, you want somebody to look out for and protect your best interests. After your loved one’s death, you may contact the insurance company of the at-fault driver as soon as possible. However, keep in mind that this company is not concerned about your interest. In almost all cases, employees of this company plug certain information about the crash into a program that offers a settlement value, which is the minimum worth of your claim.
Remember that insurers collect premiums from policyholders to increase their income. To protect their bottom line, they want to pay claims with as little money as possible. If you choose to represent yourself in the case against an insurance company, you may end up accepting a lowball settlement offer from it. However, if you let an attorney represent you, they will fight to secure the full amount of compensation you are entitled to.